Every artwork purchase from Athena’s site supports mental health research.

If you know Athena personally, you know how passionate she is about the power of psychedelic medicine. Traditional psychedelics can provide relief to those who suffer from certain mental health ailments. These ailments include: depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mood disorders. Athena has attended numerous medical conferences pertaining to psychedelic medicine, and hopes to integrate it into her practice one day when the therapy becomes well-researched and legalized across the country. Until then, Athena will be building her foundation as a nurse and an artist. She has her BSN degree from the University of Northern Colorado, and works as a psychiatric RN in Seattle, WA. Combining both facets (nurse + artist) will allow Athena to remodel traditional psychiatric care. Athena hopes to attend grad school eventually, and perform graduate level research on psychedelics. Each carefully curated piece of art will fund Athena’s attendance at national conferences pertaining to the latest psychedelic research, as well as her collaborations with other professionals from across the country and around the world. Join Athena as she aims to revolutionize Mental Health care for a world that needs it. Purchase an original piece of hers today!


The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Check out the latest research from MAPS using the link below!


Decriminalize Nature

Decriminalize nature helps cities to reform policy and banish the stigma related to psychedelic therapy. Their efforts have taken root in major cities, including Chicago, Oakland, Denver, and right here at home in Seattle. Check out their website by following the link below: